Friday, May 16, 2008


Seriously like what in the world is our govt doing ? It makes me wonder which govt in the world actually protects thugs..Yes im talking bout our home-grown thugs with honda bikes, the notorious "MAT REMPIT" . WHY IN THE WORLD are they still out in the street roaming freely causing accidents and causing havoc for road-users ?? Shhh imagine what they will do next with all the freedom and authority they are having now..Well, this is what they are going to do next..since even the police couldnt be bothered to do a thing bout it , they will start to rob ppl , then they will start to rape any girl they like !! Yea thats what they r going to do..Bloody hell its been 50years of independence and you still have thugs roaming freely terrorising everyone !! SEERIOUSLY WHAT THE FISH MANN !!! SAVE THOSE TEAR GAS & WATER CANNON for those mat-rempit la & not use it against innocent citizen in Cheras..Shhh, i could still remember what the police man told my dad after our house got broken in." Tak pa la, mereka takda duitkan biarkan sajalah"..O.0 WELL F#$% YOU ( oh look wantan )

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